Friday, February 15, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day

Many changes have been going on in the past year.  A big one is that I switched jobs and I work three days a week instead of five.  I'm not at work on Mondays and Thursdays.  Benny really likes me to come into his classroom to help with things.  It's tough to do even working part time.  I made it for his Valentine's Day Party, it's a good thing too.  Due to all the snow days and illnesses there were only two of us helping.   V's class doesn't seem to have parties anymore, which makes me sad.  Benny picked out his outfit himself and I thought it was rocking.  V is almost five feet tall now.  She's wearing MY leggings BTW.    And so it begins....

Also in the picture is Rollie, the kissing puppy.  Benny asked for it and received it at Christmas.  I thought he would never play with it, but he takes it everywhere.