Saturday, October 26, 2019

11 Years OLD

I started this blog before I was even pregnant with this now 11 year old child.  She's so grown up.  It seems like she just finished the princess stage, and the Kindergarten stage, and even the 8 year old stage.  But here she is.  Eleven.  Halfway through childhood. 

*She is currently really, really into Harry Potter.  She asked me about a year ago why everyone likes Harry Potter so much.  She didn't understand.  We had all the books from when we lived in England with British covers.  She started reading and couldn't stop.  She thinks she's a lot like Hermonie Granger.  Studious, non-smiler, serious, reader. Yep.  I agree.

*The kids started karate a year ago.  I really did it for Benny, who was very interested.  Well, she is really good.  Her forms are very crisp, and she was invited into elite leadership team before her brother (lots of crying).  She's doesn't love it all the time, but it's so good for her.  So I told her she can't' quit.

*She also does Math Club, and dance again (year 7).  Dance is just recreational, but she takes Jazz and Lyrical.  For fun.

* She's tall - 5'1".

*Her academic performance is still stellar.  She's at the TAG school and it's a great fit for her.  Last marking period she earned all A and one A- (in Phys Ed). 

*As she ages, not only does she look like her father, but also is like him in personality. 

*She has went to summer camp the last two years for two weeks.  She LOVES it there.

* Last time we went to the library and she had too many books on her card.  She wasn't allowed to take out more.

                             Luna Lovegood Costume she put together herself.  I just ordered the Spectraspecs.