The fall has flown by. V is liking school She never says that she doesn't want to go. I think she really likes the mental stimulation of learning all the new things. P drops her off at before school care for 20-30 minutes and she is at after-school care for approximately 1.5 hours. It for a pretty long day for her and you can tell when she gets home. She is very, very tired and mainly wants to veg out in front of the TV. Also, she has been so, so hungry. She also asked me to make her lunch everyday, but I much prefer that she eat hot lunch, since it forces her to expand her horizons and eat new foods. Plus, I have so little time in the evenings, it is much easier for her to buy food. On Tuesday she has music, on Wednesday PE, on Thursday is art, on Friday is library.
Her behvavior in school continues to be good. At home, it remains challenging. I've learned a few ways to deal with the frequent tantrums and meltdowns. They are usually (75%) food related and involve unhealthy snacks.
Benny continues to do well. He is still sleeping the pack n play at night. (Hey, I like sleep). He can hit the baseball off the tee like a boss and dribble the soccer ball. He too, continues to have some massive tantrums, but he is two. They usually occur when you take something away from him. He can count and knows some letters. He is in more of a pre-school program now and seems to be really happy. Just don't try to make him sit on the potty. At all.
1 comment: K asks to stay home from school. EVERYDAY,
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