Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What I want to remember

Oh Victoria, as you approach two years old, there are so many things I want to remember about you right now:

*You will climb up in my lap, touch my face with your finger, and announce "Mama".
*You like to point at everyone in the room and learn their names, then receite them - "Mama, Daddy, Marlene, Grandma"
*You ignore me when I come to pick you up at school. You will run off and play with the stroller, or hide in the bathroom. I"m not sure why you do this, and it hurts mama's feelings, but you do it almost every day.
*While you leave school, you have to pause my your old rooms, have me lift you up, and wave. You become angry if I do not do this and show your displeasure by scowling and whining.
*You concentrate so hard on taking off and on your sandals.
*You put on Daddy's socks, even demanding them while he is still wearing them, pull them up to the knee, then parade around saying "cute". It's even cuter if you are naked.....
*You will bring your little bowl into the kitchen and say "more crackers" and then ask for "more cheese". You always ask for more cheese and rarely get it because you eat way to much of it.
*When I take you out of a shopping cart or stroller, you will wiggle with excitement when you can run off and explore.
*You think you should eat your way through supermarkets. I end up opening packages before I pay for them to keep you happy.
*How excited you are to watch "Elmo" which is your word for TV. You will stand up close to in in your excitement, like you want to climb in the TV and live with Elmo. How when the library DVD's of Elmo freeze up, you announce "broken".
*Your interest in books has waned from its obsessive to liking.
*Your hair or lack of it. You are so tall, yet resemble a baby with your amount of hair. People can become quite confused about your age.
*You like to throw everything that isn't nailed down in your little baby pool.
*You tap keys on my computer to try and make it work.
*The fun we have bouncing on the exercise ball. How you jump on mama whenever I try to use it to exercise and laugh and laugh because it is play time.
*Everything is lotion to you. Chapstick, containers of mustard, tubes of any liquid. You apply it all over you in such a serious manner. It is frankly so adorable.
*You all scrunched up in your crib under your afghan.
*the softness of the little hair that you do have.
*that you are becoming such a big girl, and no longer a baby.


Kelly said...

THat is a very sweet post and I am sure Victoria would enjoy reading it in the future.

Searching for Serenity said...

Sweet Sweet memories. So great that you've documented them.

MrsSpock said...
