Sunday, April 17, 2016

7.5 years (late!)

I did this interview style.

What do you like best about being 7.5?
Well, I get to go on lots of rollercoasters and do fun stuff.

What don't you like about 7.5?
I have to do lots of chores (she really doesn't)

What is your favorite TV show?
SpongeBob Squarepants (it really isn't)

What is your favorite food?
ice cream

What is your favorite thing to do at school?
play with Mila and reading

Where do you like to go?
The Summit to swim

What is your favorite shopkin?
Roxy Ring. it's a limited edition.

What do you like to wear?
pretty fashionable dresses with sequins

What do you like about Daddy?
He reads me stories at bedtime

What do you like about MaMa?
she likes to buy things online for me (?)

How do you want to make the world a better place?
clean up all the trash that people litter.

What do you like best about Benny?
I don't know. I like how he plays with me.

What do you like best about yourself.
I don't know. I like how I look. I like how pretty I am.
What about on the inside?

Is there anything you would like to invent in the future?
I don't know. A TV that is 100 feet wide.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
A fashion designer or a famous singer

What do you like about your house?
I like the way my bedroom looks.

How many kids when you grow up?
what would you name them?
Ruby and Emerald if they were both girls. John and Bob if they were both boys. If I had a boy and a girl it would be Mila and the boy's name would be James.

How do you think people will live in the future?
Maybe they will eat bigger food. Maybe a a big cereal piece as big as the round table in the living room.

Where would you most like to visit?
Canada. I like to visit Yellowstone or Mount Rushmore or the Statue of Liberty.

1 comment:

Lacey said...

I love kid interviews! So funny!