Saturday, January 23, 2010

My morning

Hello, my name is Victoria and today my mommy took me to the Library. There is a very nice and new library in our town with a great kid's room. Reading is my very favorite thing to do, I love to read and read books. I played with the puzzles they had and was pretty excited about it:

Then we played with the puppet show and picked out books. My mama found similiar books to my favorite book Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What do you See? called Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you Hear? and Brown Bear, Brown Bear, WHat do you see?. We also explored all the aisles and I got to walk around and touch things and explore. I also tore around the library and tried to get mama to chase me when she was checking out, but instead she became mad because her arms were full and I was running all over creation. I laid on the floor to let her know I didn't like holding hands or being picked up.

We left because I got hungry and then kept laying on the floor. But it was fun.

Mama sure wishes I would grow some hair because people constantly think I'm a boy. My Grandma says that mama has a lot of nerve because she didn't have any hair until she was three.


Searching for Serenity said...

So Sweet! Little V is beautiful!

This mama was also bald until she was 3. She was shocked when her little guy came out with a head full of blonde hair and is even more shocked that it's remained.

MrsSpock said...

We are HUGE Brown Bear fans around here...

Kelly said...

no hair is okay. You miss out on the brushing, the detangling, the crying.. etc.

Alisha said...

Such cute pics of Vi! Oh boy, I also know the laying down mad stuff. Yikes.