I did get some deals though!
Kohl's -
Had $20 Kohl's cash and a 15% off total purchase coupon.
Vi is currently obsessed with shoes. I don't know where she gets this from, because I am not a shoe person. Every store we go in, she wants to put on shoes, admire herself, take the obligatory lap around two aisles and come back. Then she tries to throw the shoes in the cart. I let her try on 11 pairs in Kohl's. She really likes those rubber rain boots that you see kids wearing. In England, we called them "wellies". They just don't seem that comfortable for a kid to run around in all day and would make your feet sweaty. So we didn't buy those. She tried a mini pair of Faux Uggs. They were tan and marked down from $39.00 to $20.00. I told her that it was too much. She fussed and I let her put them in the cart thinking I would put them back at checkout. We were at the price check scanner and they rang up $3.99! They are a size 8T and a little bit large, most likely too small next year, but the old softie bought them anyway.

Also at Kohl's - two bras for me (Yipee). I felt badly spending $22 each on them. Another super deal - (I tend to shop Clearance if you didn't realize that) - Water Babies Newborn Twins. V has been kind of bored with her toys lately, but has been playing with her "baby" that a neighbor gave her last birthday. She loves the pacifier that comes with and is always putting it in her mouth too. I wanted to buy her some of those baby bottles with juice or milk that disappear when you 'feed' it to them. Target didn't have any and all their baby accessories were at least $10 for a bunch of junk. So I held off. At Kohl's there was two babies and two bottles on Clearance for $9.99.

I went to a Mom's Sale on Saturday am. And it was crummy. I did find a Fisher Price Noah's Ark for $5 in great condition.

V had played with this at someone's house and I knew she liked it. It seemed to have a lot of animals with it and Noah, so I wasn't too concerned for the price if some were missing. When I got home I looked up on Amazon and it sells for $25. All the animals were there. Great find.
ALso on Saturday we went to Target. DIdn't find much clearance. But this is a bigger, newer Target than our usual and they had a great food section. Lots of frozen veggies and yogurt were way cheaper. We spend $113!! But $35 of that was on diapers. When o when will that end?
I wish we had a local Kohls! Ours is a little over an hour away.
i think your kohls is better than mine. people find great things there. i just leave frusterated b/c nothing is where it should be and the place is so cramped.
i need new bras and underwear so bad. i hate how expensive they are.
maybe we should teach a fb stalking class? ;)
Great deals!!!
You are a terrfic bargin shopper. I worked at Kohl's during college and most of my paycheck went back to the store. I had SO many clothes and shoes then.
I think $22 for bras is a really decent price. Think about their job and how much we wear them. They need to be comfortable and hold the girls up.
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