*Vi's birthday party went pretty well. Two people RSVP'd and didn't show up. How annoying. The kids had a blast running around like hanyaks. And Strongblonde - we missed you!
* Here is a pic of three little kids at the party. V is on the right. A bit blurry, but they were running around so much it was difficult to obtain pictures.
* I decided not to go to my 20th class reunion this weekend. I really wanted to go, but P worked insane hours all week(s), my house is in chaos (really and truly), and no one I would hang out with was going. I'm kind of sad about it. I'm not sure why that is since it is mostly a bunch of people that were not that particularly nice to me for four years and that I don't really care about. Plus a 10 hour round trip.
*It's been four months since my jaw surgery and the last month has been really difficult. Because I have a nerve injury in my inferior aveolar nerve (it was cut during surgery), I am having tons of burning in my lips and chin. Like they are on fire. It is worse at night. I also drool a tiny bit still and my speech is a bit slurred. My surgeon wanted to put me on Neurontin, but I've held off.
* P's niece is young and pregnant and already announced the baby's name on Facebook. She's only 19 weeks. Weird.
*Thanks everyone for the tips about cropped trousers for work. Got a pair at NY and Company and one at Kohl's. :)
* V's hair is so weird. I need to post pics. The sides look like those long curls the Orthodox Jewish men wear, there is no bangs expect for one long piece that touches her nose (i just trimmed it), and a bunch of short, thin, frizzy curls in the back. We got back her 3 year pics and P thought it looked a bit mulletish. I still think she is adorable. But her hair is weird. And she still doesn't have much.
Naming your baby at 19 weeks is a little premature... wow!
I HATE the RSVP'ing thing. Either people don't say anything and show up or say they are coming and don't. UGH.
oh girl. you know i would have rather been there than where i was :) next time for sure!!
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