Wednesday, July 11, 2007


It has been really busy here. Don't I say that all the time?

Last week we took last Friday afternoon off and went to Ludington. It really is a supremely beautiful place. It was great to be outside all weekend. We walked, jetskiied, swam, went tubing and went boating. It took us 6 hours to get home due to the holiday, but honestly it was worth it. Tubing pictures to follow. Of note, Ludington waw named Michigan's most beautiful beach.

I don't have Crohn's Dx. Praise heavenly father! What do I have? No one knows, possibly chronic pancreatitis is being entertained. Anyway - I was so ill last week, I started the wheat free diet. And...... I feel great after one week. Gluten free means absolutely no contaminiation from toasters, etc. I instead cut out all wheat products. I think I am right and that I have a pre-celiac dx.

P and I have been carpooling since Thursday as the Lincoln broke down. It adds an extra 20 minutes onto my day, but it is nice to seen him as well. He is getting the car back tomorrow - I have to drop him off in the morning.

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